Expressions of Interest - RBWH Foundation Giving Day

Thank you for your interest in supporting the RBWH Foundation Giving Day. There is no greater generosity that that which saves a life.

RBWH Foundation Giving Day is a fundraising that gives Australians the chance to say thank you to Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH); Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS), and the other research centres and institutes within the Herston Health Precinct.

You are invited to make the impossible possible. The first step to expressing your interest is to fill in the form below.

How to get involved?

There are a range of different ways you can take part in this great day:

Become a Matching Donor.
Matching donors are critical to Giving Days. As a matching donor, your valuable gift will be used to 'double' donations made by the public, and this incredible generosity ensures that every dollar raised has double the impact. 

Become a Corporate Partner.
RBWH Foundation is proud to partner with philanthropic organisations which share our mission to advance life-saving research and patient care innovation. Our relationships are built on many years of engagement to deliver outcomes that are mutually enriching.

Become a Fundraiser.
Interested in taking your donation one step further? Why not sign up as a Giving Day Fundraiser! Pick the activity of your choice and rally your friends and family to support you in reaching your fundraising goal.

Become an Ambassador.
The RBWH Foundation invites community leaders, musicians, artists, celebrities, public figures, influencers, and leading sports people to become Ambassadors for the RBWH Foundation Giving Day. Our Giving Day team will work with you to tailor the role based on your availability, interests and experience, to ensure you have all the resources and support you need to make it a positive and memorable day. 

Give the gift of time and partner with us this Giving Day

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