My Achievements

75% of fundraising goal

Raised $100

Raised $500
My Updates

About me & my family
Monday 27th Mar We love cruising, travelling and learning. My dad was born in the 1930’s he has been around the world three times and has worked in the Air Force. My mum is cute, she is also known as Supermom and if you ever see a Toyota Tarago, Privia, people mover then drive safe as you remind me of her. So, if you see us onboard a cruise with my travelling tee, say G’day we love to chat :) Share
My travelling shirt
Monday 27th Mar I created a shirt that shows people I’m proudly supporting the RBWH because it is close to my heart ♥️ Share

My commitment to love my hospital
Monday 20th Feb To RBWH
The hospital is cute
Monday 20th Feb I love the smell
I fell in love with life
Tuesday 14th Feb I fell in love with life ❤️ In a hospital, many are born here. Some may need NICU, some may go straight out into the world. But some time in our lives hospital touches us, whether that be through family and friends. In a hospital, love can shine through many things such as a kind donation of a toy to a sick child, a helping hand to a distressed family, kind words, more programs to improve lives such as the royal gender service, a warm blanket through to high tech equipment and forever learning to better disease awarenes. Hospitals for some are a safe space when they’re frightened of how sick they can be. They can be the point of contact where one gets connected to other services to help. They can also be a much needed place for those with Münchausen syndrome. Hospitals touch can touch us in death through palliative care and organ donation. To me, the hospital has touched me in many ways. It is a symbol of life ❤️ I am personally fascinated by everything from learning about the human body yo the very person who lives in the body… I am fascinated by life❤️ please join me in spreading the love 💕 yous Will ShareThank you to my Sponsors


- Act like the rain, carefree. Love like the ocean, never-ending. Be bright like the sun, warming up someone’s day.☀️🩷❤️🌊🌧️

Neil Ainsworth
Great job (again!) Michael and family.

Willow Mandirigma
- If love could be described joy would be one description. Enjoy the little things, eat nourishing food it makes you feel better, but loved. ❤️🔥💞💘 Hoping this donation helps with patients experiencing delirium to get home to their loved ones for Christmas 🎄

Willow Mandirigma
To my beloved dad who passed away 2 Nov 2024, I love you ❤️ Funny, smart, go-getter and hard worker ❤️❤️❤️ You hold a special place in our hearts forever

- If you don’t believe in miracles, perhaps you’ve forgotten you are one. ❤️🌟

Briar Mandirigma
approach with curiosity or compassion… it’s just adorable 🥰

Yes I’m crazy; 🤪 I’m crazy enough to challenge you and your beliefs crazy enough to be bold; to be me I’m crazy enough to tell you and show you my story; bold enough to be me I know change is possible; therefore, I know there is a chance I can be accepted for who I am — Willow “Love was liking someone how he was and doing things to help him get better.” The Puppy story by George Saunders

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Psalm 118:17 I will praise the Lord everyday❤️ I have everything I need

Keep going; life is beautiful

In celebration of royal giving day! It was a great time, seven news, running with Reece, Pilates group, KIIS, cake store (with cakes gone by 1100), earrings, Photo Booth, teddy bears for sale, food trucks. ‘Some people lose patience and give up. Keep working at it, you’ll get better results’ xxooo

Wrap me around a blanket of trust and confidence. See that in uncertainty there is also possibility; possibility that amazing things can and do happen. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it ✨ & never forget even through hard times, happiness can be found ⬆️

Love requires us to be here, now. To sit with an inquisitive mind, to know none of us know everything. In knowing that we all have value. In knowing we that we can forgive and in knowing that we will cherish each moment with each other.

Vanessa 💘
Make the unconscious, conscious by discovering… I woke up, that’s enough. ☀️🌞🍞⏰

Princess 👑
- Ignoring negative emotions is like keeping p01son in your system. Learn to understand everything that you feel. The aim isn’t to force positive thoughts, but to transform the negative ones into something healthier, so you can feel better. ❤️🩹

Love ❤️ Dad
Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and d1e The Charge of the Light Brigade Alfred, Lord Tennyson

- Ignoring negative emotions is like keeping p01son in your system. Learn to understand that everything that you feel. The aim isn’t to force positive thoughts, but to transform the negative ones into something healthier, so you can feel better. ❤️🩹

In this world, nice people exist too…you can always count on the kindness of strangers:)

Nourish yourself, never mind what they do… your journey is yours…take good care of yourself

Mummy Carer
Love is gentle ❤️ love is kind ❤️ it’s empathetic, slow to speak and quick to listen ❤️💗 it’s nice to feel wanted

You are unique. You are different. There’s something about you and that’s what I love ❤️ Take care, be responsible, spread the love

A Kind Stranger
No matter what job you hold, house or car… homeless or a student: I respect you, you are valued.

A Kind Stranger

⏰🍞 M⚫️les 🏋️♂️🗣️
It’s the human thing to do - to revel in love

Polly 🦜
I'll dance like no one's watching 💃 No one's watching, no one's watching Make love like no one's judging 🌈 No one's judging, no one's judging 💞 And so imperfectly perfect, I give me to you - To you, you, to you (From song Molly Sanden Like No One’s Watching) Happy Love Day everyone Love is everywhere, love yourself and love each other ❤️💗🥰

- “. . . we are dealing with human beings, and human beings always need something more than technically proper care. They need humanity. They need heartfelt concern.” Pope Benedict XVI

Willow 💗 4.2⭐️
Love is a choice & to chose love is to choose life ✨🏥 love is a commitment; love involves being ready to be continuously transformed ❤️🥰 being committed in a relationship is like being on a cruise: there are lovely times, sometimes rough, but being in the relationship means so much because life is meant to be enjoyed with others

Rosie 🌹🥀
Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together ~Vincent Van Gogh Every little bit counts ✨ as they say “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” together we can do great things and bring hope 💗🖤💞

I choose to commit myself to do love 🥰

Merry Christmas 🎄 where there’s life there’s hope ❤️👑 love 🧡

Connect ❤️love

Love Your Bro ?
You are a beautiful little sis, you matter to me and whatever matters to you matters to me. I will be there for you through the highs and lows and I’m so glad that you support others through their highs and lows through this page. God bless you ❤️

There is no greater source of inspiration than nature’s endless diversity

I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes Love is all around me And so the feeling grows - The Midnight Blue Band let’s love with actions ❤️

Love is the absence of judgement

La Mommie
Let us love one another John 4:7

I’m tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I’m tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we’s going to, coming from, or why. Mostly, I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world, every day. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head, all the time (From The Green Mile, 1999). Through this foundation we can add beauty in this world and hope “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not” ― Dr. Seuss let us all be the change we wish to see in the world

You are protected, in short, by your ability to love 🧡 Dumbledore Love is powerful and it heals its a wonderful magic 🪄


Wazza Mandirigma
Thank you for supporting cute people 🥰 to spread the love 💗 through every effort possible whether that be through research or gifts there is hope

LOVE 💕 💗 ❤️



Ranjet Pearson
I'm proud of you for supporting people :)

Briar-rose Pearson

- It is a happy talent to know how to play. Ralph Waldo Emerson Happy Anniversary! ❤️🔥